Saturday, February 19, 2011

language overload

During the last three weeks, I did an intensive German course.  It really gave me the boost I needed.  My German words are flowing out better, I speak to my cat in German now and I think in German a lot more.  I'm totally happy about English is suffering.  I feel like I'm in a weird state.  As I acquire a new language, I'm losing parts of my other languages.  I rarely get to use my French or Italian. 

Ich finde es wunderbar, viele Sprachen sprechen, aber wenn mann diese Spachen nicht benutzt werden sie rostig und sie ineinander bluten (kann mann das sagen?). Das taugt nicht viel, oder?

Quando parlo francese adesso, mi ritrovo spesso a corto di parole. Quando vado in ristoranti italiani e vuole parlare con i camerieri italiani, questo "mix" divertente di tedesco e italiano viene fuori e qualche volta non me ne accorgo. Che cosa sta succedendo?!

 Je suis tellement contente que ma langue maternelle était le français, que mes parents m'ont mis à l'école anglaise en dépit de cela et qu'ils m'ont fait aller à l'école italienne le samedi. Je suis heureuse que je me suis déplacé en Allemagne et que je dois apprendre l'allemand. Mais je pense que j'ai besoin d'être plus active dans le maintien de toutes ces langues. 

I have a plan.

I will try to watch and read things in every language I know every week at least once.  Of course German and English are already covered, but maybe I should subscribe to some French design blogs and read Italian news.  And from now on, I will write posts on my blog in different languages once in a while. I think it would be good practice.  I have added a translating option on my blog so you can still read those posts in the language you want.

"a più tardi"... 
ummm, j'veux dire, "à bientôt"
... oder, "bis später"
... I mean, "see you later" 
Ach quatsch!



  1. Holly ,je suis tres contente que tu fais un grand effort.Ne t'en fais pas ce sont les neuronnes qui travaillent.On appelle cela neuroplasticite.Buon lavoro!Ti amo! Mamma xoxox

  2. Holly this is so awesome....your blog i mean!! this post, however, makes me want to go study my German books:-(!!! jokes, you are an inspiration.....bis bald:-)
