Sunday, July 24, 2011

restaurant review - Berlin | Cafe V

On my recent trip to Berlin, I went to a great restaurant. 

Honestly, I was quite surprised.  I'm not vegetarian - and I never think of going to vegetarian restaurants.  But my friend is vegetarian so it was a great opportunity to try some out.  This one was really delicious.

It's called Cafe V and is located in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin.  The atmosphere is cozy and warm, the service was really friendly.  We drank some good Turkish wine, which was a totally new experience for me.  I ordered the breaded spinach balls served with new potatoes in a mushroom cream sauce.  It was excellent!  Everyone at the table was envious ;)  But their dishes were good too. The price was reasonable as well, as most in Berlin are.

Cafe V in Berlin

Cafe V in Berlin

 Dinner at cafe V in Berlin

I really recommend the restaurant if you're around there.  Vegetarian or not - you will like it.

{excuse the look of the card...
it was in my pocket for the rest of that night
... And what a night it was!
as you can tell from the crinkling and blue discolouration...}

Holly's overall rating for Cafe V:

Any good restaurants you'd like to share or recommend?

'till next time,

German Design - the PassivHaus

The Passivhaus standard of building originates from conversations between German and Swedish professors, Wolfgang Feist and Bo Adamson in the late 80's.  After numerous research studies and funding by the German state of Hessen - the concept was born. 

Building by Passivhaus standard means that the resulting building requires very little energy to keep the temperature right no matter what the temperature is outside - so you end up with a super energy efficient home with a small ecological footprint. The concept is not only restricted to building homes but has also been applied office buildings, schools and supermarkets.

Super insulation and airtightness are the main factors that allow this concept to work.  This minimizes heat loss so that heating needs are about 90% less than those of a standard home. A passive house essentially heats itself by retaining the warmth generated by its occupants and electrical devices as well as using a unique mechanical ventilation with heat recovery system.

Building with this concept ensures a home that always has a comfortable temperature and they usually look really good and stylish - modern design using concrete and natural materials.  I would definitely consider building a future home by Passivhaus standards.

Take a look at this one,the Oberen Berg House by Alexander Brenner in Stuttgart, Germany.  I really like it:
photo credit: Alexander Brenner Achitekt

photo credit: Alexander Brenner Achitekt

photo credit: Alexander Brenner Achitekt

photo credit: Alexander Brenner Achitekt

photo credit: Alexander Brenner Achitekt

photo credit: Alexander Brenner Achitekt

photo credit: Alexander Brenner Achitekt

photo credit: Alexander Brenner Achitekt  

I think it's just beautiful.

See you next time,

Friday, July 22, 2011

a recent trip to Berlin and some other stuff...

I've been so inactive these last few weeks ... hope you haven't forgotten about me.  I don't know what's the matter with me, but I am avoiding my computer like the plague.  Every time I flip it open, I rush through the necessary tasks so that I can shut it as soon as possible.  Maybe I've been spending too much time with it ... maybe my final project is consuming all my brain power so that I can't focus or take in any more info in a day... I don't know.  But c'est la vie.  I'm sure this phase will pass.  So in case you are wondering where I am, now you'll know - I'm hiding ;)

Recently, my friend from Montreal was able to stop through Berlin between work trips and asked me if I'd come meet her.  Of course, I did and it was a fabulous time.  It was very special to be in Berlin (the city I miss so much) with a very good, long time friend.  The combo was almost too much for my heart to bear.

And so, I leave you with some pictures of Berlin:

Berlin wall at Bernauer Strasse



TV tower reflection

at the Badeschiff

at the Badeschiff

See you soon ... hopefully,

Sunday, July 10, 2011

7 Sachen

7 things from my Sunday - as every week, inspired by Frau Liebe.

7 Sachen von meinem Sonntag - wie jede Woche, von Frau Liebe inspiriert.

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  

Coffee, of course!
Natuerlich, Kaffe trinken!

Worked on floor plans for my final project.
Grundrisse Arbeit fuer mien Abschlusspojekt.

Uploading and editing recent photos.
Hochladen und Bearbeitung von meinen neusten Fotos.

Watered my plants.
Planzen giessen.

Vacuming ... blah.
Staubsaugern ... blah.

Ate a real salad!  Since the Ecoli outbreak, I've been too scared to eat fresh vegetables.  Not anymore.
Einen richtigen Salat gegessen!  Seit dem Ecoliausbruch hatte ich zu viel angst frisches Gemuse zu essen.  Nicht mehr.

Popped some popcorn and watched Apollo 13.
Popcorn gepoppt und Apollo 13 geschaut.

How was your Sunday?

Wie war euer Sonntag?


Saturday, July 9, 2011

restaurant review - Frankfurt | L'Apostrophe

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting my friends at L'Apostrophe, a very charming restaurant in Frankfurt Nord-End.

I'd never been there before and as I was strolling up Rotlintstrasse I couldn't resist taking pictures of the lovely residential neighbourhood.  Suddenly, I stumbled upon a really nice table set up on the street.  I took some pictures of the tables...

...I turned to face the front door to see what restaurant it was, and you can imagine my delight that the hanging sign said L'Apostrophe!

The ambiance was really nice - a bit of a French bistro vibe going on. The interior decor was really inviting and stylish.  We sat outside though because the weather was so nice. 

The menu showcased a a well rounded selection with a Mediterranean themed cuisine.  They also had a separate menu of "Chef Suggestions" with specialty items which are not on the regular menu.  Love those.  I had the eggs with homemade green sauce ... hmmm, I think this sounds better in German: Eier auf huasgemachter Gruener Sosse.  Green sauce is a specialty of Frankfurt.  In all the time I lived in Berlin, I never had any because I never even heard of it.  But in Frankfurt it's everywhere and I'm pretty smitten with it.  It's a lightly creamy sauce made of precisely seven specific green herbs - so fresh and tasty.  You can eat it with anything practically (eggs, bread, meat...probably great with fish too).  I like to try the Gruener Sosse everywhere I go.  L'Apostrohes was delicious!

The food was amazing.  Everyone loved their plates; boiled veal filets called "Tafelspitz" on a dijon mustard sauce garnished with a small salad bouquet, artichoke filled ravioli in a tomato-sage butter and my 4/2 eggs on homemade Frankfurt "Green Sauce" served with potatoes parisienne. Desserts included an apricot/passion fruit mousse with a kumquat compote and naturally, chocolate soufflees.  Everything was ordered off the Chef's Suggestions, except for the soufflees, which are a regular at L'Apostrophe. 

The service was friendly and attentive.  The price was moderate, not too expensive, not too cheap.  I gladly paid my bill.

Holly's overall rating for L'Apostrophe:

If you are in the area, you should most definitely stop by.

Have you been to any good resaurants this week?  Would you like to share a link to your favourite one?

'till next time,


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Keine 7 Sachen

I can not post anything for 7 Sachen today, because I didn't do anything.  May sound sad to some of you, but I had a fantasically productive day on my computer, working on various design projects.  I am still sitting here now:

Heute kann ich keine 7 Sachen posten weil ich nicht gemachts habe.  Hoert sich vielleicht ein bischen traurig an. Oder? Ist es aber nicht! Da ich viel an meiner Design Arbeit gemacht habe.  Ich bin immer noch dabei:

wine and floor plans

See you soon!
Bis spaeter!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

newest animated photos crush - Jaime Martinez

Lately, I've been seeing some great animated photographs all over the web. 

My first crush was Jamie at From Me To You blog.

...and just recently I found my second crush, Jaime Martinez.

Here are some of his still shots, so you'll have to go over to his website brightlightbrightlight to see them in 3D action. Go now and look around.  I promise you're in for a treat!

photo credit: Jaime Martinez

'till later,