Saturday, October 23, 2010

This week I loved ...

Hi all.

I was just reading a post on one of my favourite blogs, BODIE and FOU.  It seems that on Fridays she does this series "Happy thoughts for the weekend..." and the post always ends with, "This week, I loved..." followed by a list of things (with links) she came across during that week that she absolutely loved and wants to share with her readers.  Actually I really look forward to this Friday post and I think I am inspired to do something similar.  It's a good way to keep track of and categorize all those things you come across while surfing the net.  I have a file on my desktop titled "love!" where I have collected a zillion pictures, images and articles.  Now I can put them to good use and, I get to share them with you. 

So here's the deal.  Every Saturday I will post a list of things I found during the week that inspired me and that I loved... it will be called... insp-i-loved weekly.  Yeah?  Maybe, we'll see.  This week I will start collecting the things that inspire me and that I love and I will begin to share them with you next week.

Until then, here are some pictures I took of bicycles in Berlin... oh, and a couple of scooters.

I love taking pictures of bicycles.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Frankfurt Am Main, First Walkabout...

The other day, I went exploring the city.  I started at Hauptbahnhof (main train station) and ended up at the Roemer.  Here's what I saw along the way.  Get ready, there are lots of pictures!!

City Walk:


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Virgin Atlantic ... is bringing sexy back.

Pauli's gonna be a pilot! My interest in planes and airlines is steadily increasing. Remember during aviation's "glamour days", pilots and flight attendants were hot and delicious? Lately that stereotype has faded.  But I came across this ad and had to share. To me, this is Virgin Atlantic bringing sexy back. Good for them. I like it.

I can't wait to see Pauli in his uniform ... yum!!


p.s. What do you think of my new blog look? I changed the title too - very unoriginal but it works... Unfortunately, I can't change the address without changing the location of my blog. I'll look into it some more. I'll just keep the old one for now I guess.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

On Being Alone

Here's a nice poem.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Holly in Frankfurt...

So guys ... obviously I didn't think very far into the future when I named my blog. As most of you know, Pauli and I have moved to Frankfurt. Actually, technically, we live in Kelsterbach, but Frankfurt is a hop away and it's a big city that most people can place in their minds. Easier to visualize.

I haven't posted anything here about our plans because we wanted to make sure all our family and friends knew what was going on before they read about it on a blog. So what's happened recently? Pauli got into pilot school! We moved to Frankfurt because that's where he is studying. And...we're getting married!...on November 1st! Yay! Many exciting things happening. Life feels good =)